You are here: Promotions > Promotion Discount Types > Discount Based on Price Level

Discount Based on Price Level

When this Discount Type is tripped, Idealpos will calculate the difference between the Sell Price of the currently active Price Level and the Price Level that has been configured in the Promotion, applying the difference between the two Price Levels to trigger the item to be discounted accordingly.

When using this Discount Type, the Price Level that is used during the sale is not changed, but instead, Idealpos applies the required discount amount so that the item is sold at the Price Level.

Note that Stock Items which are discounted this way will appear in Sales Reports under the Price Level that was active during the sale, not the Price Level they were discounted to.


To demonstrate this Discount Type, we will be using Price Level 12 (Price Level 12 is labelled as OWNERS in the below screenshot example).


Go to: Back Office > Stock Control > Stock Items > Select an Item > Modify.

Enter a Sell Price in Price Level 12 - the Item will be sold at this amount per unit when the Promotion is tripped.

When entering the Sell Price into Price Level 12, ensure that the Sell Price is less than the Sell Price in the Standard Price Level.



Save the changes to the Stock Item.


Go to: Back Office > File > Sales > Promotions > Promotions.

Add a new Promotion.

Configure the promotion as follows:

Description: Enter the Description for the promotion which will be shown on the Tender screen on the POS when the promotion is tripped.

Trip Condition Sets 1-3 - Add the Stock Items that you want the Promotion to apply to. For this example, we are

Discount Type - Discount Based on Price Level > Enter the Price Level that you want the Items to be sold at when the Promotion is tripped - we'll enter 12 as per the example above.

Buy # of items below - Enter 5 (or the quantity that you want to trigger the Promotion)



Close the Promotion and press 'Yes' when prompted to Save changes.


Go to the POS Screen and add the Stock Item to the sale.


When 4x COKE 2L are sold, the promotion is not tripped.



After the 5th COKE 2L is added to the sale, the Promotion is tripped, and the discount is applied.

The discount amount is calculated automatically so that the item's final sell price is the same as the Price Level that was configured in the Promotion.

In this example, Sell Price 12 was set to $1.00, so 5x $1.00 = $5.00 total.



Pressing the ENTER button to go to the Tender screen will display the Promotion Description.